Will of John Lavinder Sr.

Last Will And Testament
Will of John Lavinder Sr. probated June 7 1847

In the name of God Amen I John Lavinder of the County of Franklin and State of Virginia being in febel health of body but of sound mind and disposing memory do hearby make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say. 1st I do desire that all perishable part of my estate be sold immediately after my decease and out of the money arising therefrom all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. 2nd After the payments of my debths and funeral expenses I give to my beloved wife Katharine Lavinder one third part of my estate boath real and personal for during her natural life and after her decease I give the same to my children herein after mentioned equally to be divided amoung them and to be enjoyed by them forever, 3rd It is my wish and desire that after my decease that my Executor, which I shall hereafter name sell all my land on a credit of twelve months after laying off a third part of the same for my beloved wife Katharine Lavinder as aforesaid and distribute the money arising from such sale together with my money that may accrue from the sales of other personal property after paying all my just debts and expenses be divided between my children, viz: Thornton Lavinder, Chilton Lavinder, John Lavinder, William Lavinder, Joseph Lavinder, James Lavinder, Jesse Lavinder, Anna Campbell, formerly Anna Lavinder, Mary Turner, formerly Mary Lavinder, Francis Turner, formerly Francis Lavinder and Emily Lavinder. Also it is my wish and desire that all my slaves be equally divided between my said children after dividing off one third part of them for my wife Katharine's dowery , and I also wish her to have her choyse in said slaves after they have ben appraised, it is also my wish and desire that my daughter Emily have my boy Harvey together with a full and equal portion of my Estate with my other children and it is my further wish and desire, if any of my said children as aforesaid should decease this life without issue that the slaves which may fal to those part shall return to my estate together with thare future increase. And lastly I do constitute and appoint my friend Ira Hunt Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revolking all other Wills and Testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whare of I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 20 July 1846.

Milton R. Hunt
Ira M. Hunt
Richard A. Hunt

At a Court held for Franklin County the 7th day of June 1847. This last Will and Testament of John Lavinder Sr. Dec'd was produced in Court and proved by the oaths of Milton R. Hunt and Ira M. Hunt two of the subscribing witness hereto and order to be recorded. And on the motion of Ira Hunt the Executor in said Will named who made oath and gave bond and security according to law, certificate is granted him to obtain a probate thereof in due form.

Source: Franklin Co. Wills Records
Franklin Co. Courthouse
Clerk of Courts office
Will Book #6 Pg 226-227
Submitted by Greg Bryant raptor@gamewood.net
Date: 20 Jul 1846

No real attempt has been made to trace the children of John and Catherine Lavinder. The following marriage records were found:

  • Frances Lavinder to Obediah Turner on 04 Nov 1822 in Franklin County, Virginia.
  • Mary Lavinder to Constant Turner on 24 Sep 1838 in Franklin County, Virginia.
  • Anny Lavinder to Thomas Campbell on 9 Aug 1814 in Franklin County, Virginia