Little Family Genealogy
Will of Emma Little
The photograph is of Emma Little with two of her children, Ada on the left whom my father, Adrian, was named after and Leonard, my grandfather on the right.
Dated January 25, 1915

Item 1. I direct that all my just debts, including my funeral expenses and expenses of administration, be paid by my Executors, hereinafter named, out of the first moneys coming into their hands, from my estate, as such Executors.
Item 2. I give, devise and bequeath to my daughter, Ada M. Little, should she not have married at the date of my death, for and during her natural life or until her marriage, my house and lot in Fayetteville, Tennessee, where I now reside, and which property is bounded on the South by East Washington Street, on the East by the property of Oliver Green, on the North by the property belonging to the widow and estate of James Caldwell, decd. and on the West by the property belonging to the widow, estate and heirs of H. K. Holman, deceased, together with all furniture, household and kitchen goods and articles of domestic use and ornament contained in said house at the time of my death; upon the death or marriage of my said daughter, it is my will, and I so direct, that my Executors hereinafter named, sell the real estate and personal property hereinbefore described in this Item of my Will in such manner and way, and on such time and terms as they may think best, and the proceeds arising from such sale or sales, I give and bequeath as follows: should said sale or sales be made because and on account of the marriage of my said daughter, then said proceeds shall be equally divided, share and share alike, between my said daughter, Ada M. Little, and my sons, Leonard L. Little and Stonewall J. Little, each to receive an one-third, and should said sale or sales be made because of and on account of the death of my said daughter, Ada M. Little, then said proceeds shall be equally divided between my two sons, Stonewall J. Little and Leonard L. Little; and should either of my said three children, to-wit, Ada M. Little, Leonard L. Little or Stonewall J. Little, die before sale or sales of said property as hereinbefore directed, leaving child, children or descendants surviving at date of such sale or sales, it is my will that such child, children or descendants so surviving shall represent his, her or their deceased parent, and be entitled to such share in the proceeds of such sale or sales as his, her or their deceased parent would have been entitled to, if living.
Item 3. All the rest and residue of my estate, of every kind, character and description, real, personal and mixed, wheresover located or situated, I give, devise and bequeath to my said three children, Ada M. Little, Stonewall J. Little and Leonard L. Little, equally, share and share alike.
Item 4. I make no devise or bequest in this my will to my son Will S. Little, for the reason that I have heretofore, at various times, made gifts to him and rendered him financial assistance.
Item 5. I nominate and appoint my sons Stonewall J. Little and Leonard L. Little as Executors of this my last Will and Testament, and having full confidence in their honesty and integrity, expressly excuse them from giving bond or security as such Executors.
In testimony I have hereunto set my hand, this January 25th. 1915.
Signed by the said Emma Little as and for her Last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the undersigned, who, at her request and in her sight and presence, have subscribed our names hereto as attesting witnesses the day and date above written. W. C. Dale
W. B. Truck (?) Jr.