Phillips Family History and Genealogy
Solomon Phillips, Revolutionary War Pension File
Excerpts from
Solomon Phillips W1923
Susanna/Susannah B.L.Wt 26.816-160-55
Click on the thumbnail to view the larger image (98kb & 101kb).

I Susanna Phillips of Starksborough in the County of Addison & State of Vermont being Seventy one years old the 13th day of September AD 1848 being duly Sworn do depose testify and say that I was the daughter of Benjamin Willson late of the town of Swanzey in the county of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire & Sister of William Willson of New Haven in the County of Addison & State of Vermont. My father Benjamin Willson lived in the town Winchester in Said Cheshire County in AD 1777 when I was born on the 13th day of September of said year 1777 & when I was about two years old my father moved with his family to the said town of Swanzy a distance of about Eighty miles where
in said Swanzy my said father lived & deceased about twenty years ago. I lived at home with my said father in said Swanzy until I was duly married to Solomon Phillips then of Said Swanzy on the 12th day of July AD1798 by Colvin Frink Esq. then a Justice of the peace in Said Swanzy who was duly authorized to & did Solomenize in said county of Cheshire. I lived with my said Husband Solomon Phillips in said Swanzy in a house on my said fathers farm from the time of our said marriage until AD1800 when my said Husband & myself & our family then consisting of my said husband myself & our son David Phillips and moved into the said town of Winchester & lived in the same house with my said brother William Willson until some time in November AD1800 when my Said Brothers first wife deceased while we lived in said house with my said Brother William. my said Husband & my said Brother William worked together at the Sythe & Hoe making business they both being sythe & Hoe makers at which last time
they disolved their partnership or business of Sythe & Hoe making & we that is my said Husband & myself & our family moved to Swanzy & lived in the same house we had left on my saiid fathers farm until 1805 when we moved to Vermont & lived with my said Brother William in said New Haven {who had moved into said New Haven} until AD1808 when we moved into the said town of Starksborough Vermont where we lived until my said Husbands decease which was January 17 AD 1839 aged 79 years & seven months. David Phillips my oldest son & child now of said Starksborough was born in said Swanzy November 11, AD1798 & he is now living in said Starksborough. I have had by the said Solomon Phillips = Nine Children to wit David Phillips = Suke Phillips = Solomon Phillips = Willson Phillips = William Phillips = Myron Phillips = Sophia Phillips = Joseph Phillips & Cynthia Phillips who are all so far as I know now living. I never had any other Husband than said Solomon Phillips =& said Solomon Phillips never
had any other wife than myself & I am not now nor have I been married since the decease of my aid Husband Solomon Phillips & my said Husband Solomon Phillips was a Revolutionary pensioner & he was on the Revolutionary pension list of 96 dollars a year & I draw the remaining pension of my said Husband after his devise from the 11th day of September AD1838 up tp the time of his devise with was the 17th day of January AD1839.I have now the deposition of David Phillips attached to & accompanying these papers & I know what he has therein stated is correst & the old Bible leaf on which are some family words I have examined & which I well know which is attached to said David's desposition. The Bible out of which said leaf is taken was given to me by my father Benjamin Willson soon after I was married on which leaf between Braikety & Martha B is a word in my father Willsons handwriting of the birth of my brother David & sister Eunice the remainder of said words on said leaf is in the hand
writing of my late Husband the word of the birth of my son David I recollect was written down by my said Husband soon after he was named & the time of the other words being written down I do not recollect and I think they were put down soon after the children were named. I do not recollect that there was every any further family word in said Bible. I think there was no other blank leaf in said bible I have no recollection of there being a word of my said marriage to said Solomom Phillips. My Prayer is that I may be placed on the pension roll list as in Justice I ought to be= Susanna Phillips
State of Vermont Addison County for Starksborough October 9 AD1848 there personally appeared Susanna Phillips & made solomn oath that the foregoing disposition by her subscribed contains the whole truth & nothing but the truth & I further certify that I saw the same taken & that I saw her sebscribe her name to the same & I further say that I am & have been personally & well acquainted with said Susanna Phillips for more than twenty years last past & I know her to be a Woman with no ....... & of good moral Character & of truth and ...... & ................. is to be ............... on what she say. Before me Horatio Newh..... Justice of the peace.
NOTE: This deposition is beautifully written and very clear. Susanna Phillips signed her own name. The name WILLSON is spelled throughout with a double L.
Click on the thumbnails for the larger image (105kb & 71kb)I William Willson = Sythe & Hoe maker now residing in the town of
Newhaven in the County of Addison & State of Vermont being sixty nine years old the 10th day of October AD1848 & being duly sworn do testify & say that the Widow Susanna
Phillips late wife & now widow of the late Solomon Phillips late of Starksborough in said County of Addison is a natural sister to me this deponent that my father Benjamin Willson lived & resided in the town of Swanzy in the county of Cheshire & state of New Hampshire for some time before the revolutionary War {as he told me} to the time of his death which was about twenty years ago that is AD1798 this deponent lived in Richmond in the said county of Cheshire as an apprentice at the Sythe & Hoe making business with one Enos Holbrook that the latter part of the year AD1798 I should think towards the fall of said year I heard that one Solomon Phillips was duly joined in marriage to my said Sister Susanna Willson now Susanna Phillips & Widow of said Solomon Phillips & I then understood & have no doubt they were married by Colvin Frink Esqr at my said fathers house in said Swanzy. I was not present at this marriage but have no doubt they were duly married by said C. Frink.
I was well acquainted with said Frink, said Solomon Phillips & said Susanna both told me they were married by said Frink in AD1800 he the said Frink married this deponent to his first wife Jemimea Gilmore, said Frink was a Justice of the peace & was authorized to & did solmenize marriage. Said Solomon Phillips & the said Susanna lived together as husband & wife from the time I understood they were married in AD1798 until the decease of the said Solomon Phillips which I think was in January AD1839. Said Solomon Phillips & my said Sister Susanna his wife lived in a samll house on my fathers farm in said Swanzy from the time of their said marriage until AD1800 when the said Solomon Phillips & his said wife Susanna & family and myself & my said family lived together in one house in the town of Winchester in said Cheshire County and worked together the the Sythe & Hoe making business said Phillips then being a sythe & Hoe maker & we lived & worked together until Nov 30th
AD1800 when my said first wife deceased. when we disolved our partnership & I think in the year 1798 David Phillips who now lives in said Starksborough & is the oldest son & child of the said Solomon & Susanna was born in said Swanzy in AD1800. This deponent moved into Vermont & has lived in said Newhaven & Bristol in said Addison County ever since & said Solomon & Susanna came to Vermont about about AD1805 & lived in my house in sais Newhaven about two years when the said Solomon & Susanna & their family moved into the town of Starksborough in said Addison County about AD1808 & there lived until the said Solomon Phillips deceased which I think was in January AD1839. I have lived for the forty years within from six to sixteen mile of the residence of said Solomon & Susanna & I know the said Susanna to be the widow of the said Solomon & that she is now living in said Starksborough and that he said Solomon Phillips was a pentioner as a private or Soldier of the
revolutionary war or army the said Solomon & Susanna have had I think Nine children & they their said children are now I believe all living. the said Susanna was the only wife which said Solomon ever had & said Solomon was the only husband the said Susanna ever had & said Susanna is not now nor has she ever been married to any one since the death of her said late husband Solomon Phillips.
William Willson
State of Vermont Addison County of Newhaven September 15th AD1848 then personally appeared William Willson & made solemn oath that the foregoing deposition by him subscribed contains the whole truth & nothing but the truth & I further certify that I carefully read the same to him in his hearing & that I saw him subscribe the same & I further say that I am & have been personally & well acquainted with said William Willson for more than twenty years last past & I know him to be a man of truth & .......... & .......full faith & confirm is to be placed on what he said. Before me Horatio Newh... Justice of the Peace
NOTE: This deposition is also very clearly written. William Willson signed his own name and again the name is spelled with a double L throughout.
{The pension file contained this flyleaf from the family Bible}

David Phillips was Born November 11 year 1798
Suke Phillips was Born January 8 year 1801
Solomon Phillips was Born May 26 year 1803
Willfon Phillips was Born July 10 year 1806
William Phillips was Born December 18 year 1808
Myron Phillips was Born March 18, 1811
Sophia Phillips was Born June 27 1813
David Willson was born May the 29 in the year 1786
Eunice Willson was born March 19 in the year 1788.
Joseph Phillips was born May 23 year 1816
Cynthia Phillips was born February 28 year 1819
NOTE: While Eunice Willson's first name is not clear in the copied record, the mention of the names and locations of those names by Susanna Phillips in her deposition is.
Click on thumbnail for larger image (108kb)
I David Phillips of Starksborough in the County of Addison & State of Vermont = farmer = being fifty years old next November 1848 and being duly Sworn do depose testify & say that I am the oldest son & child of Solomon Phillips late of said Starksborough deceased & Susanna Phillips late wife & now widow of the said Solomon that I was born in Swanzy in the county of Cheshire and State of New Hampshire as my parents have told me on the 11th day of November AD1798 and I lived with my said father & mother until I was twenty one years old & since that time I have lived in said Starksborough & within one hundred rods of my said fathers house until my said
fathers death. My said father deceased in the month of January AD1839 & I think on the 17th day of said January. I have frequently heard my said father say he was married to my said mother in said Swanzy. My said father was a sythe maker. My said father & mother have had Nine children all of which are now living. My said father moved into said Starksborough I think in AD1808 when he lived with my said mother until his death. My said father was a revolutionary pensioner & was on the pension list of revolutionary pensioners at the time of his death at Ninety Six dollars a year and my said mother ...... the remaining pension of my said father from the 4th of Sept AD1838 up to the time of his death & the said Susanna Phillips my said Mother & widow of the said Solomon is now on this 9th day of October AD1848 alive & I have always understood from both my said father & mother that my said father never had any other wife than my said mother & that my said Mother never had any other husband
than my said father & I know that my said mother had not been married or had any husband since the death of my said father & that she is now the widow of said Solomon Phillips. The following list & family niora marked A to the top & attached to this my deposition I have taken out of an old Bible belonging to my said father which is the only blank leaf in said Bible the names & some parts of said Bible being gone. The writing & names on said leaf ..... so attached I have frequently heretofore seen & examined & it is in the hand writing of my said father except what is written brackets & is marked B which is said to be in the hand writing of my Grand father Willson. The record of my birth & the rest of my fathers children are in the hand writing of my said father. I can ..... seeing the said mora .....attached at least thirty five or forty years ago of my birth.
David Phillips
I Abraham Gaige of Bristol in the County of Addison & State of Vermont being seventy three years old & being duly Sworn depose & say that I have been a resident of said Bristol over fifty years & I have been well acquainted with William Willson of Newhaven & David Phillips & Susanna Phillips Widow of the late Solomon Phillips whose depositions are attached. between thirty & forty years & I know them all to be persons of good moral Character & truth & ....... & full confidence & ..... may be placed on what they................. Abraham Gaig Cheshire s s July 12th 1798 This certified that Solomon Phillips and Susanna Willson both of Swanzy were this day joined in marriage. C Frink Just Peace
State of New Hampshire Cheshire ss
I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of record found in the Record Book of marriage in Swanzy on page 122 and at the bottom of this page is this record - "All the above entries in this page made Pn Calvin Frink Town Clerk,,
Swanzy Dec 5, 1848
Joseph Hammond Jr. Town Clerk of Swanzy aforesaid.
Town Clerks fees 25 cents for examining record & writing
State of Vermont County of Addison, ss.---
On this Seventh day of June 1821, personally appeared in open Court, being a Court of record (having the power to fine and imprisonment) for the said County Solomon Phillips aged sisty one years, resident in Starksborough in said County, who being first duly affirmed according to law, doth on his oath declare that he served in the Revolutionary war as follows: - for one year during the year 1776, in Colonel Joseph Reed's regiment, Capt Knapps Company of the Massachusetts line: - That his original declaration in in the War Department, and he has not received a pension certificate. And I do solemnly affirm that I was a resident citizen of the United States, on the 18th day of March, 1818; and that I have not, since that time, by gift sale or in any manner, disposed of my property, or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it, as to bring myself with in the provisions of an act of Congres, entitled "An act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary war," passed on the 18th day of March 1818; and that I have not, nor has any person in trust for me, any property or securities, contracts or debts due to me, nor have I any income other than what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed, and by me subscribed.
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