Wood Family Genealogy
Estate Record of Samuel Wood of Barnard, Vermont
Signed 17 July 1854, recorded 7 June 1857
Source: Will Book Volume 24, pgs. 67-71
Born April A.D. 1776 Samuel Wood Barnard died May 31, A. D. 1857
I, Samuel Wood of Barnard in the county of Windsor and State of Vermont, being in a very infirm state of health and sensible to of my liableness to sudden death, at the same time being in my own apprehension in sound mind do judge it best to make, and accordingly do hereby make, this my last will and testament. It is my will that all my just debts, and the charges of my funeral be paid, and discharged by my Executor hereinafter, named and appointed, out of my estate, as soon as conveniently may be after my decease, and I leave the charges of my funeral to the direction of my said Executor.

I give, devise and dispose of all my estate real and personal (save what shall be necessary for the payment of all my just debts and funeral charges) in the following manner, (viz)
I give to my beloved Wife Polly Wood all my household furniture of which I died possessed I, also give to her two good cows and give good sheep, to have and to do with as she pleases. I also give to her the profits, rent, and use of one undivided half of all the real estate I die possessed, as long as she lives and shall remain my widow. I also give to her the use of a steady horse and waggon to drive when and where she may wish, to be so furnished by my son as hereafter mentioned.
I give to my daughter Mrs Abigail Hole one Dollar.
I give to my daughter Mrs. Lovenia McLaughlin one Dollar.
I give to my son Samuel A Wood all the residue, and remainder of all my personal estate, and to his heirs forever, except that he shall furnish my sd Wife with a good safe horse & waggon - when she shall so wish to drive where she chooses. I also give to him the rents uses and profits of one undivided half of all my real estate, and in case he shall out live my sd Wife, at her decease or that she shall again join in marriage, I then give the rents uses & profits of the other half of all the real estate I die possessed of to my said son as long as he lives, and after his (if he out lives my sd Wife) if not) after her and her decease, or marriage as before mentioned I give all my real estate to the legal heirs of my said Son meaning the children of my said Son. And I hereby nominate .....titate and appoint, my son in law, Amos McLaughlin of Woodstock in Windsor County and State of Vermont to be my executor, of this my last will and testament and in case of his decease or inability I hereby nominate and appoint, my friend Oliver Hincher of Randolph in the county of Orange & State apd as substitute and Executor of this my last will and testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, and publish and declare this to be my last will and testiment, this 17th day of July A.D. 1854.
Samuel Wood (Seal)
Signed Sealed published and declared, by the said Samuel Wood as his last will and testament in presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names, as Witnesses thereof, at the request, and in the presence of the said testator and in the presence of each other.
Rollin Richmond
Mary A. Richmond
Sophronia M. Russ
Recording the Will
State of Vermont Hartford District
At a Probate Court held at Woodstock, within and for said District on the first Wednesday (third day) of June, A. D. 1857 - Presents Hon. John Porter, Judge.
An instrument, purporting to be the last will and testament of Samuel Wood late of Barnard in said District, deceased who died on the thirty first day of May last past is presented to the Court here by Amos McLaughlin the Executor therein named, for probate, and it is ordered by said Court that all persons concerned be notified to appear before said Court at the Probate Office in Woodstock aforesaid on the first Wednesday (fifth day) of August next, and contest the probate of said will if they see course: for which purpose it is further ordered that a copy of the record of this order be published three weeks successively previous to the time appointed for proving said will in the Vermont Standard a newspaper printed at Woodstock aforesaid -
A true record L. H. Marsh Register
Proving the Will
State of Vermont Hartford District
At a Probate Court held at Woodstock within and for said District on the first Wednesday (fifth day) of August A. D. 1857 - Presents Hon John Porter, Judge
The foregoing instrument is presented as the last will and testament of Samuel Wood late of Barnard in said District deceased by Amos McLaughlin, the Executor therein named, for probate, under an order of said Court made on the first Wednesday (third day) of June last past. Notice that this day is affixed or the probate thereof has been given to all persons concerned by publication, three weeks successively in the Vermont Standard a newspaper designated in said order, and said publication is duly proved. Said instrument now comes under consideration and it appears by the testimony of one of the subscribing witnesses, that the said Samuel Wood the testator, was at the time of executing said instrument, of full age and of sound mind, and that the execution of the same was in due form of ..........
Whereupon it is considered by the Court here that said instrument is proven and the same is hereby approved ratified, allowed and confirmed as the last will and testament of the aid Samuel Wood deceased
By the Court S.A. Marsh Register
A true record S.A. Marsh Register
Probate of Estate
State of Vermont Hartford District
At a Probate Court held at Woodstock within and for said District on the first Wednesday (fifth day) of August A. D. 1857 - Presents Hon John Porter Judge
Amos McLaughlin of Woodstock aforesaid who is named in the last will and testament of Samuel Wood late of Barnard in said District, deceased, Executor thereof is appointed to that trust, and here in Court implies his acceptance of the same and gives a bond as the law requires. It is ordered by said Court that one year from this day be allowed said Executor as a time for disposing of the estate and paying the debts and ....... of the said Samuel Wood, deceased.
A true record S. A. Marsh Register